

CIVSA Policies

Please visit CIVSA to review the CIVSA Policies.

Visitor Policy

Parent, Guardian Code of Conduct

Student Guidelines & Family Handbook

Please review the ESS Student Handbook.

Student Health Policies

The following excerpt from CISVA Student Health Policy 406 addresses some of the questions we have received:


Communicable Disease Control
The immunization program provided by Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) and Fraser Health Authorities is aimed at maintaining adequate levels of protection in school populations against major vaccine-preventable diseases.

The school administrator will:

  • Distribute immunization information and consent forms (VCH, FHA, school and/or CISVA information are distributed as necessary);
  • Collect completed forms for the community health nurse (to be handed over to the community nurse once collected);
  • Provide a safe environment in the school for delivery of the immunization program.

The Parent/Guardian will:

  • Provide immunization records when a student registers in the school for the first time.
  • Provide a completed consent form for the student for all immunizations (consent form will indicate yes or no).

The Student will:

  • Return signed parental consent forms to the school (no student can give personal consent for an immunization).
  • Attend designated immunization areas in an orderly manner.

Protecting Employees from Violence in the Workplace

CISVA schools strive to ensure that its schools are safe at all times for its employees. Review Policy 432 Protecting Employees from Violence in the Workplace.


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3020 Heather St, Vancouver  BC  V5Z 3K3

(604) 876-7211

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