Information for Parents & Guardians of ESS Students

Helpful resources and information for families attending ESS.

Report Cards

Student Report Cards are available for download on the MyED BC Parent Portal

Steps to Access Report Cards in the MyEducation BC System:

  1. Visit MyEducation BC (ensure popups are enabled for your browser)
  2. Enter your Login ID and Password (note: both user name and password are case sensitive)
  3. Click the link(s) for your child’s report card(s) as shown in the image linked below.

    MyEd is best viewed on a Windows or Mac computer. If you’re trying to access from a mobile device, tap the 3 bar menu on the top left and then tap View Full Site.

If your are having difficulties with your LoginID / password, please contact the Office.

Family Affordability Form

A recent article published by CBC stated that food prices in B.C. rose by 10.3% in 2022 and are expected to continue to rise during 2023. This is no surprise to any of us that have been grocery shopping lately! In response to these rising prices affecting basic family needs, the B.C. government has made available a Student and Family Affordability Grant to be made available to families in B.C. and accessed through their child’s school. In response to this, ESS is accepting special requests. If your family has been financially affected by the current tough times, rising prices and inflation rates please complete the short application below and we will provide you with a $50 gift card you selected. 

Fill out the form here.


Hot Lunch Program

Our “Bon Appetit” hot lunch program will come to an end on February 27th, 2023.  

We are very excited to share with you our new hot lunch provider! Stay tuned for more information coming soon!


Medical Forms

If your child has any medical concerns with regard to asthma, anaphylaxis or seizures, please fill out the applicable forms and deliver them, along with required medication, to the office on the first day of school. Please ensure medication is not expired.




Criminal Record Check for Parent Volunteers

A Criminal Record Check is required by all parents who are volunteering with children. A BC Services Card is required to complete a criminal record check.

Visit to create your Criminal Record Check.

Follow the steps to obtain your BC Services Card, or download it on your phone (available for Android™ and iOS (iPhone® and iPad®).

The access code you will need is KLLDEMSGWP

Please email if you have any problems.

Parent Drivers

All parents drivers must submit a copy of their insurance to the office, as well as a Driver’s Abstract.

Fill out a Driver’s Abstract here. 

Please note the vehicle used to drive students must carry a minimum $2,000,000 in liability insurance and that the driver must have a valid BC Driver’s license (in addition to a cleared CRC on file).

Student & Family Handbook

We encourage you to review the Student Guidelines and Family Handbook.

(Please note some information may be not be up to date. Revised version will be posted shortly.)

Morning Drop-Off on Heather St.

View our morning drop-off procedures for Heather Street.

Guidelines for Early Morning Drop-Off

  1. Please remember that our school is located in a high traffic area. To avoid congestion, we must enforce a strict “Drop Off Zone Only” in front of the school.
  2. When approaching the school, please drive up all the way toward the main entrance. Patrol attendants will be guiding and enforcing this.
  3. Please remain in your car during drop off. An attendant will assist your child if needed.
  4. If you need to get out of your car, please drive right, around the corner onto 14th Avenue. Also, there is plenty of 2-hour parking on 15th & 14th Avenue and around the school area, if you need a little extra time with your child.

Thank you for your assistance in making Early Morning Drop Off as efficient and safe as possible.

Morning Drop-Off in the Courtyard

Afternoon Pick-up in the Courtyard

School Supplies

Please visit the School Start website to order supplies for the upcoming year.

School Uniforms & Spirit Wear

Please view our ESS School Uniform Requirements

Uniforms can be purchased online at or in store at a Neat Uniform location.

School spirit wear is available online at

Emergency Evacuation and Student Release Procedures

In case of Emergency Evacuation due to earthquake, fire, gas leak, flooding, or other reason that would deem the school facility unsafe, please, follow the protocols below.

As per our annual practice for evacuation and student release, here are the procedures that you will need to follow:

1. NO PARKING IN THE SCHOOL COURTYARD. You must find parking away from the school.

2. Depending on the situation and any damage to the property, the students will assemble in the gym, in the courtyard, in the field behind the church, or the field between the gym and St. Mary’s Ukrainian Church on 14th Avenue. Based on an assessment of damage, a decision will be made as to the safest location and the area best suited for assembly.

3. Report to the Release Station as soon as you find the ASSEMBLY AREA. The children will already be grouped by grade level in our assembly area; DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GET YOUR CHILD directly. Runners will be assigned to do this for you.

4. You will be asked to show ID.

5. When it is your turn, your ID will be matched with our records, you will sign-out your child(ren), and a runner will be sent to retrieve your child(ren).

6. Wait at the Release Station until a runner brings your child/children to you.

7. Proceed immediately to the Exit Station and make sure you submit your Student Release Form (SRF) to the attendant at hand. School staff have been trained and share the responsibility of remaining with and caring for your children until your arrival. Emergency supplies, food rations, and equipment are on hand in case of an emergency.

Anaphylaxis Policy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan

Please review the ESS Anaphylaxis Policy and our Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan.

Canadian Parents for French

Visit Canadian Parents for French at for resources to support your child’s learning journey towards bilingualism.

3020 Heather St, Vancouver  BC  V5Z 3K3

(604) 876-7211

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