
Clubs at École Saint-Sacrement

ESS has a number of exciting and fun clubs for our students. All extracurricular clubs are $40.

After School Club (ASC)

The Before School / After School Club (ASC) runs from September to June. Families must re-apply each school year*B/ASC fees are subject to change each academic year

BSC 8:00 am to 8:30 am
ASC 3:00pm to 5:15pm

Before School Club  $155
After School Club  $340
Tuesdays Only  $180  *Tuesdays early dismissal at 2:00pm

To register, please go to our Admissions page.

Art Club

Art Club is every other Thursday. Open to students in grades 2 -7. Contact Mme Bélanger and Mme Almeida for more information.

Join the class on REMIND @essart2025

Chess Club

Chess Club will meet in the library during lunch on Mondays through Wednesdays. Any changes will be announced daily.

Coding Club

The coding club is open to students in grades 4-7. Wenesdays 3-4pm in the grade 5 classroom.

Garden Club

The Garden Club is an in-class club. You can view our Blessed Sacrament Garden map


Mass Choir Club

The Mass Choir gathers on Tuesdays during recess in the Grade 2 classroom for practice. The choir performs at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass on the second Sunday of each month. Students in Grades 2–7 are welcome to join!

Math Club

The Math Club is a fun and engaging way for students to explore math beyond the classroom! The club offers a chance to solve puzzles, play math games, and tackle exciting challenges together.

Open to students in grades 5-7 during lunch, beginning in November.

Readers Are Leaders (RAL) Reading Club

Readers are Leaders is a fun, competitive reading trivia program open to Grade 5, 6 and 7 students in CISVA schools. Groups of students are responsible for reading six novels chosen by Librarians in the CISVA. An in school competition will be held in mid-March to determine which students will advance to the Regional competition. Regional competitions for the winning team from each school will be held in early April. The final competition will be held in late April.

3020 Heather St, Vancouver  BC  V5Z 3K3

(604) 876-7211

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